Customer Enquiries: Best Practices for SaaS

published on 17 April 2024

In today's digital age, customer enquiries are pivotal for SaaS businesses, impacting customer retention, satisfaction, and brand reputation. Here's what you need to know:

  • Quick Response: Aim for replies within an hour and issue resolution within a day.
  • Omnichannel Support: Offer support through email, chat, phone, social media, and self-service options like FAQs.
  • Personalization: Use customer data to tailor responses, making each interaction feel unique.
  • Continuous Training: Equip your team with regular updates and training to handle enquiries efficiently.
  • Feedback Monitoring: Utilize customer feedback to improve services continuously.

These practices ensure your SaaS business not only meets but exceeds customer expectations, fostering loyalty and driving growth.


When people who use SaaS (software as a service) need help, have questions, or want support, they reach out to the company. They might use email, a phone call, live chat, social media, or even a help center on the company's website. They could be stuck on a technical glitch, have billing questions, need help with their account, want to know about new features, or have questions before they decide to buy. Answering these questions well is super important to keep customers happy and coming back.

Common Enquiry Types

Technical Issues

These are the most common problems customers run into, like software bugs, error messages, or the app crashing. Quick help here can stop a lot of frustration.

Account Management

When customers need to change their password, update their profile, manage who can access the account, or change their subscription options.

Billing & Payments

Questions about charges, payment problems, getting discounts, or changing plans.

New Features

When customers suggest new things they want in the software or ask when something new is coming.


This is when potential customers ask about what the software can do, how much it costs, or if they can try it before buying.

General Product Inquiries

Looking for updates, how-to guides, or information on how the software works with other tools.

Feedback & Suggestions

This includes reviews, ideas for how to make the software better, or responses to customer satisfaction surveys.

A good system for handling questions keeps track of all the conversations, knows what kind of help people need, and figures out how quickly and well the team solved the problem. It's great when companies use things like FAQs, community forums, or chatbots to help answer simple questions fast and save money. But sometimes, nothing beats talking to a real person who can understand and solve your problem. Using tools like real-time analytics, sentiment analysis, and even letting customers request a callback when they're waiting in line can make a big difference in making customers feel heard and helped.

Importance of Efficient Enquiry Management

Handling customer questions quickly and well is super important for SaaS companies. It helps keep customers happy, makes them want to stay, and gives your brand a good name. Here's why it matters:

Improves Customer Satisfaction

  • Quick and right answers are what customers want. If they have a bad experience, half might stop using your service. Aim to answer fast, within an hour if you can, and solve their problem within a day.
  • Being clear and kind when you talk to customers builds trust. It shows you care.

Boosts Customer Retention

  • If someone's reaching out, they need help to keep using your product. Not fixing their problems might make them leave.
  • Keeping customers is key. If you can keep just 5% more of your customers, you could make a lot more money, from 25% to 95% more. It's also cheaper than finding new ones.
  • Quick callbacks and really listening show customers they matter. This makes them want to stick around and tell others about you.

Strengthens Brand Reputation

  • How you handle questions can make customers like and trust your brand more. This can lead to them telling their friends about you.
  • What people say online about your customer service can attract new customers or push them away. Good service gets good reviews.
  • Good customer service sets you apart, especially when many SaaS products are similar. It's a chance to show you're better.

In short, SaaS companies should make sure they're good at answering customer questions. It's not just about fixing problems; it's about making customers happy, keeping them, and building a good reputation. Doing this well is good for your business in the long run.

Preparing for Customer Enquiries

Building a Support Team

It's key to put together a team that knows how to talk to customers, understands your product, and really cares about helping people. When you're hiring, look for folks who have worked with SaaS before, are good at solving problems, and fit well with your team's culture.

Train your new team members well. Make sure they know:

  • All about your products and how they're used
  • How to fix common issues
  • The best ways to talk to customers
  • How your support system works

Use practice scenarios and let them listen in on real support calls to learn. A team that knows their stuff can help customers much faster and better.

Implementing Essential Tools

Giving your team the right tools is super important. You'll need:

  • CRM: This keeps track of all your customer info and past conversations so you can help them better.
  • Ticketing system: Helps you keep an eye on customer questions, decide which are most urgent, and see who's handling what.
  • Knowledge base: A place where customers can find answers on their own, like FAQs or how-to guides.
  • Chatbot: Can answer simple questions any time, which means less work for your human team.

Make sure these tools can talk to each other (this is where open APIs come in handy) to give everyone a full picture of what each customer needs.

Establishing Workflows

With questions coming in from all over (like email, phone, or social media), it's good to have a plan for dealing with different kinds. Here's how you might handle a few:

  • Technical issues - Figure out what's wrong, offer steps to fix it, or a temporary solution. Pass really tough problems to the experts.
  • Billing questions - Look into their account, explain any charges, and make changes to their plan or payments if needed.
  • Pre-sales inquiries - Give them the info they want about your product, how much it costs, or how to try it.

Keep track of how well you're doing with things like how quickly you answer, how often you fix the problem right away, and how happy your customers are. Always look for ways to get better.

Having a clear, simple plan helps make sure every customer gets the help they need in a consistent, high-quality way.


Best Practices

When it comes to handling customer questions, doing things the right way can really make your customers happier and more likely to stay. Here are some smart moves to think about:

Fast Response Times

Getting back to customers quickly is super important. Try to answer them within an hour and fix their issues within a day if you can. This shows you care.

  • Aim to reply quickly, like setting a goal to respond within 30 minutes
  • Use things like chatbots, shared inboxes, and callbacks to speed things up
  • Decide which questions should jump to the front of the line based on how urgent they are or how important the customer is

Omnichannel Support

Be where your customers are, whether it's email, phone, chat, or social media. Offering many ways to get in touch makes customers happier.

  • Mix in ways customers can help themselves with places they can talk to someone
  • Keep track of customer chats across different platforms with a CRM
  • Make sure your team can handle all these different ways customers might reach out

Leveraging Self-Service

Having a good FAQ section or help center means customers can often find answers without needing to ask. This saves everyone time.

  • Make sure it's easy to search and find help articles
  • Write help content in a way that's easy to skim through
  • Put the most asked-about topics front and center


Talking to customers in a way that feels personal can make a big difference.

  • Use what you know about them to make messages feel special
  • Let your team think outside the box to solve problems
  • Creating a real connection matters

Continuous Training

Keep teaching your team new things so they're always getting better at helping customers.

  • Have training sessions every week
  • Always share helpful guides and updates
  • Celebrate when someone gives great customer service

Monitoring Feedback

Listening to what customers say about your service helps you improve. Use surveys and tools to understand how they feel.

  • Keep an eye on scores like CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) and NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • Look at what people say in calls and chats to find common problems
  • Always pay attention to feedback and respond

Case Studies

Here are some simple examples of how certain companies that provide software services have really improved the way they handle customer questions and problems, and as a result, have kept more customers happy and sticking around:


Freshdesk helps businesses talk to their customers through software. Here's what they do well:

  • Many ways to get in touch - Customers can contact Freshdesk in a lot of ways, like email, phone, chat, social media, and even by helping themselves through guides. This means customers can choose what's easiest for them.

  • Quick to reply - They try to get back to customer questions within 30 minutes, and often it's even quicker. Their goal is to make sure no one waits long for an answer.

  • Help yourself - There's a big library of FAQs and guides, plus a chatbot that can answer easy questions. This lets customers find answers on their own, which frees up the support team for tougher issues.

  • Grows with you - As a business gets bigger and has more customers to help, Freshdesk's tools can handle the growth without a hitch.

Freshdesk has become a go-to for over 150,000 businesses because they make sure customers get the help they need quickly and in a friendly way.


Zendesk offers tools for customer service. They handle customer questions smartly by:

  • Everything in one place - All messages from customers, no matter where they come from, show up in a single spot. This helps support people see the full story.

  • Smart sorting - They use automation to quickly sort and answer lots of questions, making sure urgent ones get priority.

  • Keeping track - Zendesk uses data to keep an eye on how well they're doing, like how long it takes to solve a problem or how happy customers are. This helps them get better over time.

Zendesk's approach has helped them keep over 95% of their clients happy and coming back.


Intercom offers a way for businesses to chat with their customers, built right into their software. They stand out by:

  • Chatting like friends - Intercom's chats are easy and personal, remembering past conversations and details about the customer. This makes help feel more friendly.
  • Reaching out first - Sometimes, Intercom starts the conversation, offering help or advice before the customer even asks. This surprises and pleases people.
  • Easy answers - They provide a lot of self-help options, like articles and FAQs, right where customers are using the product. This cuts down on simple questions.

Intercom has won a lot of fans and kept them thanks to their approachable and proactive support. They're used by more than 15,000 businesses around the world.

These stories show that being quick to respond, offering help in many ways, and making sure support feels personal can really make customers more satisfied. This leads to them sticking around longer and helps the business grow.


Making sure you handle customer questions well is super important for any SaaS company that wants to keep their customers happy, have them stick around longer, and build a strong reputation. By sticking to some key guidelines like responding quickly, supporting customers through different channels, helping customers help themselves, making interactions personal, keeping your team sharp with ongoing training, and always looking to get better based on feedback, SaaS businesses can really change the game when it comes to managing enquiries.

Here are the main points to remember:

  • Be quick to respond - Try to get back to customers within an hour and sort out their issues within a day to show you care.
  • Be where your customers are - Make sure you can help customers through email, phone, chat, a help center, and social media.
  • Help customers help themselves - A good FAQ section can answer many questions without needing to ask a person.
  • Make it personal - Use what you know about customers from your CRM to make your messages special for each person.
  • Keep learning - Have training sessions every week to make your support team even better.
  • Listen and learn - Use surveys and keep an eye on what customers are saying to improve your service.

Getting really good at managing questions can make customers love your service. This helps your business grow by keeping customers and getting new ones through positive word of mouth. Putting your customers first is key to doing well in the long run.

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